In car seat news, I see Britax has the Premium SICT ISOFIX Compatible out, with rear-facing until the child is 2 or 3. Sadly, it also has a rear-facing depth of 600mm, more than 8cm greater than our current rear-facing seat. I’d need to rest my feet on the dash to ride in front of a seat that big, and I think it would even be impossible for Andrew. Extended rear-facing advocates (well, some of them) have been telling me for ages that extended rear-facing seats take up, if anything, less room in the car than normal rear-facing infant seats, because the seat doesn’t have to recline as much. If this is any guide… not so much.
Perhaps this will be true when cheaper extended rear-facing seats start to come out (apparently being a tall adult is not a “premium” parenting feature… except when you’re buying prams and strollers, when it totally is). I think it’s likely A will be pushing age 2 by that point anyway, so with any luck, this is the end of my very short career as a car seat blogger!
Disclosures: you can rest assured no one is offering me their giant car seats in return for a review!